Googling To Find Out If Your Attorney Used Form Documents

I used to belong to a practice section of my state bar that I called the “Does Anyone Have a Form I Could Use” practice section. I call the practice section by this name because most of the posts on the section listserve were from attorneys asking other attorneys if anyone has a particular form […]

The Importance of Agreeing On Legal Staff To Be Used

In the introduction to The Art Of Hiring The Right Lawyer & Negotiating A Fee Agreement That Will Save On Legal Costs, I note that the book was written especially for small business or individual clients of lawyers. As I point out, these types of clients typically do not have the leverage that large corporations […]

On Using and Billing for “Re-cycled Work Product” “A lawyer who is able to reuse old work product has not re-earned the hours previously billed.”  ABA Standing Comm. on Ethics & Professional Responsibility Formal Op. 93-379 (1993) In reviewing legal bills and speaking at CLE seminars to attorneys, I have found that too many attorneys lack a […]