John Conlon
The President of LegalBillAudit.com is John Conlon. John is regarded as one of the nation’s leading experts in auditing legal bills. He has reviewed thousands of legal bills in all types of cases and legal matters throughout the U.S. and internationally for corporations as well as for individuals. In addition, John has been called on to train other attorneys and in-house staff at companies on how to analyze and review legal bills.
Unlike other fee bill experts who lack a recognized background in the field of legal ethics, John is believed to be the only attorney legal bill auditor in the U.S. who has served as a state bar Legal Ethics Committee Chairman. John also has served as a member of his state’s legal ethics hotline which counsels lawyers on legal ethics issues including legal billing issues. Utilizing his knowledge of legal ethics, John is often able to pinpoint attorney ethical misconduct that could be grounds for filing an attorney disciplinary complaint.
John has also provided expert opinions and testimony involving disputed legal bills and legal ethics in federal and state court cases as well as at arbitration and mediation. John also provides counsel to attorneys and individuals on how to prepare cases involving disputed legal fees and costs.
John has provided continuing legal education seminars to attorneys on fee billing and legal ethics and has written numerous articles on various legal ethics issues including attorney billing for fees and costs. His articles on legal ethics and fee billing issues have been cited by others in their articles on those subjects.*
For more information on John’s legal bill audit or expert witness services, please use the “Contact Info” form below.